B Jain Omeo Rhus Tox Ointment

Indication of B Jain Omeo Rhus Tox Ointment

For Painful Joints and muscles.

Rhus toxicodendron:  Rhus affects fibrous tissue markedly-joints, tendons, producing pain and stiffness. Complaints that arise after sprains, over work, getting wet after perspiration. Joint complaints that start in winters. Pain along ulnar nerve. Tearing down thighs. Sciatica; worse, cold, damp weather, at night. Numbness and formication, after overwork and exposure. 

Other Indications of B Jain Omeo Rhus Tox Ointment

  • Pain in multiple joints
  • Stiffness of joints, pains is relieved with help of B Jain Omeo Rhus Tox Ointment
  • Septic conditions of skin with eruptions, eczema like conditions.
  • Hot, painful swelling of joints is relieved with help of this ointment. 

B Jain remedies are made with safety and efficacy. Special emphasis is laid to quality of medicinal ingredients and also non-medicinal ingredients to assure most efficacious, desirous and safe results.

Application ofB Jain Omeo Rhus Tox Ointment

Apply B Jain Omeo Rhus Tox Ointment externally twice daily on clean and dried affected area. 

B Jain Omeo Rhus Tox Ointment (15g)

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