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Lobelia inflata(Dilution)

Tincture of fresh plant when in flower and seed.

Common Name:  Indian Tobacco. 

Causes & Symptoms for Lobelia inflata.

  • Labored breathing, sense of tightness across chest compelling her to take deep inspirations indicates Lobelia.
  • Constant dyspnea, worse by slightest exertion and increased to an asthmatic paroxysm, must keep mouth open to breathe.
  • Smarting sensation in passing urine.
  • Bad effects of drunkenness, smoking tobacco is relieved with Lobelia.
  • Cramp, ringing cough, short breath, catching at throat.
  • Nausea and vomiting with indigestion are the indication for Lobelia inflata.

Mind and Head

Lobelia  relieves the great depression and exhaustion, flushing of face and palpitation, every evening

Vertigo with nausea, headache with slight giddiness indicates Lobelia.

Aching in occiput, sometimes chiefly in open air, seborrhea of scalp smelling offensively.

Eyes, ear

Burning in eyes,  Aching in left ear. Constantly recurring earache

Chilly feeling in left cheek extending to ear indicates Lobelia.

Mouth and Throat

Burning in throat, frequent and violent hiccough, with abundant accumulation of water.

Flow of clammy saliva in mouth is relieved with Lobelia.

Stomach and abdomen

Heartburn with profuse flow of saliva, flatulence, shortness of breath after eating is an indication of Lobelia.

Acrid, burning taste; acidity, with contractive feeling in pit of stomach.

Vomiting of all kinds, even the most violent, with sighing, and continual nausea, vomiting of food after a meal, especially hot food.

Gastric headache, with nausea, vomiting, and great prostration. Violent and painful constriction in epigastrium.

Acrid, burning taste in mouth, bitter, with foul tongue and thirst is an indication for Lobelia.

Stool and Anus

Frequent evacuations and confusion of head, discharge of black blood after stool.


Frequent emission of urine, even during night, and following morning.

Neck and Back

Swelling and pain left side of neck.

Lassitude, with heaviness of head, burning and incisive pains at lower part of spine, pain in loins, violent cramp-like squeezing

Violent pain in the sacrum, Leaning forward relieves the pain in the back is an indication for Lobelia.

Pain in sacrum; cannot bear slightest touch.


Sweat of palms, backs of hands dry and cool, tips of fingers cold.

Fine crawling stitches inside of right deltoid is relieved with Lobelia.


Vesicular eruption between finger

Prickling, itching with intense nausea is relieved with Lobelia.

Dry, eczematous patches covering points of first fingers, rash which exfoliates is an indication of Lobelia.

Lancinating pains throughout body, extending to ends of fingers and toes.


The patient is thin, poor, and has no appetite.

Headache following intoxication, worse afternoon till midnight, worse from tobacco.

It is useful in morning sickness and in effects of suppressed or missed menstrual period.

Cold worse dyspnea, worse from current of air.

Side effects of Lobelia inflata.

There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. 

It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc. 

Homeopathic medicines never interfere with the action of other medicines.

Dosage and rules while taking Lobelia inflata.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.

You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.

Precautions while taking Lobelia inflata.

Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.

If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use. 

Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course of medication. 

Dr. Reckeweg Lobelia Inflata Q (MT) - 20ml
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