Indo German Para Care Drops (30ml)
There are several types of worms that can cause problems in children, including threadworm, roundworm, strongyloides, whipworm, hookworm, ascarides.
An effective and safe deworming formulation.
It acts without producing any side effects or dependency that is seen with conventional medicines. Indo German Para Care Drops regular use helps build immunity of children so that they don't fall prey to worms again.
Artemisia Vulgaris 6x
Cina HPI 4x
Filix Mas 3x
Graphites 30x
Mercurius Sublimatus Corrosivus 8x
Tanacetum Vulgare1x.
Infants: 5 drops of Indo German Para Care Drops 3-4 times a day.
Children: 10 drops, 3-4 times a day.