28500 31000


Ferro Plus Syrup is an ideal tonic for iron deficiency in blood i.e Anaemia.


  • Ferrum Lacticum 1x
  • Ammonium Aceticum 1x
  • Natrum Phos. 1x
  • Kali Phos. 1x
  • Acidum Citricum 1x
  • Acidum Phos. 1x
  • Ferrum Phos. 1x
  • Calcarea Hypophosphorosa 1x
  • Alcohol in syrup and sweetener base


  • 1 or 2 teaspoonful after food, 3 times a day.

Mode of Action:

  • Ferrum Lacticum: Ferrum Lacticum has the general therapeutic value of iron salts. It is easily absorbed and is one of the least astringent forms of iron. An excellent remedy to be used in iron deficiency anaemia.
  • Ammonium Aceticum: Ammonium Aceticum is a good nutrient. Ammonia is essential for maintaining the acid-base balance in your body and keeps you healthy.
  • Natrum Phosphoricum: Natrum Phosphoricum is a salt found in the blood, muscles, nerve and braincells. Natrum phosphoricum is the best remedy for conditions arising from excess of lactic acid.
  • Kali Phosphoricum: Kali Phosphoricum is effective against cerebral anaemia, an anaemic condition of the brain causing undue nervousness and spinal anaemia resulting from exhausting diseases such as diphtheria, reflex paraplegia with aching pains.
  • Acidum Citricum: Acidum Citricum helps in iron absorption.
  • Acidum Phosphoricum: Acidum Phosphoricum is effective against mental and physical debility from loss of vital fluids.
  • Ferrum Phosphoricum: Ferrum phosphoricum increases haemoglobin. Useful in pale, anaemic subjects with violent local congestions.
  • Calcarea Hypophosphorosa: Calcarea Hypophosphorosa is preferred when it seems necessary to furnish the organism with liberal doses of phosphorus in consequence of continued abscesses having reduced the vitality.
Allen Ferro Plus Syrup (500ml)
28500 31000

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