B Jain Omeo Acne Care Ointment (30g)
B Jain Omeo Acne Care Ointment
A useful Homoeopathic combination with following effects:
Hypoallergic & Anti-comedogenic action.
Controls excessive sebum accumulation.
Provides flawless skin.
Indication of B Jain Omeo Acne Care Ointment
Acne, Blotches & pimples, pimples with pain, itching & bleeding.
Action of Ingredients in B Jain Omeo Acne Care Ointment
Berberis aquifolium : A remedy for the skin, chronic catarrhal affections. Pimply, dry, rough, scaly. Eruption on scalp extending to face and neck. Acne, dry eczema.
Calendula Officinalis: Has remarkable power to produce local exudation and helps to make acrid discharge healthy and free.
Thuja Occidentalis: Has a specific antibacterial action.Eruptions only on covered parts; worse after scratching.Brown spots on hands and arms.
Application of B Jain Omeo Acne Care Ointment
Apply B Jain Omeo Acne Care Ointment externally twice daily on clean and dried affected area.