Melilotus alba(Mother Tincture)

Tincture of whole fresh plant in flower.

Common Name: White Clover

Causes & Symptoms for Melilotus alba

  • For depressed Muscular system, numbness and aching in knee-joints.
  • Engorgement of blood-vessels in any part of organ,  the engorgement tending to hemorrhages, profuse, bright red, which give relief.
  • Congestions, relieved by haemorrhage indicates Melilotus.
  • Over heating in the sun causes many complaints that needs  Melilotus.
  • Convulsion that occur after head injuries is an indication of Melilotus.

Mind and Head

Attacks of weeping without much depression is an indication of Melilotus.

Violent congestive and nervous headaches. Total inability to study.

Headache relieved by menses, menstrual flow and discharge.  Scalp sore and tender to touch.  Terrible headache, with vertigo, faintness, and nausea, throbbing

Eyes, ear, nose

Eyelids very heavy,  Eyes hot, very heavy is relieved with Melilotus.

Nosebleed preceded by intense redness, profuse and frequent epistaxis, bright red blood, with general relief.

Mouth and Throat

Flushing of face and throbbing of carotids, throat sore, swallowing difficult, painful.

Acid eructations all day, causing burning and smarting is an indication of Melilotus.

Stomach and abdomen

Distension, flatulent, worse during menses.

Gastric discomfort, flatulence, fullness, and other symptoms appear when constipated.

Stool and Anus

Difficult, painful, constriction in anus, no desire until there is a large accumulation.

Heavy throbbing and fullness in rectum from internal piles is relieved with Melilotus.

Urinary complaints

Urine profuse watery, and relieving the dull, congestive headache.

Female complaints

During menses headache, vertigo, stiffness in back and limbs, with dull, heavy, bearing-down pain in pelvis. Ovarian neuralgia.

Neck and Back

Broken sensation in lumbo-sacral articulation, on sitting and especially sitting upright is an indication for Melilotus.


Cutting pains in knees alternating with headaches.

Rheumatic pains in all joints on approach of rain-storm or in rainy, changeable weather.

Arms heavy, too much prostrated to lift them without effort.


Better by profuse urination, better by lying down, better by application of vinegar.

Aggravated by storm, rainy, changeable weather is an indication of 

Breathing difficult from weight on chest, fullness of chest and head, violent congestion of the lungs

Sick headache, better by epistaxis or menstrual flow, blood bright red 

Walking worse most symptoms and sitting better

Side effects of Melilotus alba

There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. 

It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc. 

Homeopathic medicines never interfere with the action of other medicines.

Dosage and rules while taking Melilotus officinalis

Take 10 drops in half cup of water three times a day.

We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.

Precautions while taking Melilotus alba

Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.

If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use. 

Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course of medication. 

Melilotus Alba Q Mother Tincture - 30 ml

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