Dr. Advice No. 70 (Nodules) Composition (Ingredients):

  • Calcerea Carbonia 30x
  • Calcarea Fluorica 30x
  • Kali Arsenicosum 6x
  • Fucus Vesiculosus Q
  • Phytolacca Decandra Q
  • Conium Maculatum 30x


Numerous small nodules under skin, Cauliflower excredcences of os uteri, with flying pains, Patient tends towards malignancy and inveterate skin disease. Gouty nodosities.

Mode of Action:

  • Calcerea Carbonia 30x: Encysted glandular swelling, which are renewed Polypus, swelling of the glands, softening.
  • Calcarea Fluorica 30x: Glands of stony hardness.
  • Kali Arsenicosum 6x: Gouty nodosities, small Nodules under skin.
  • Fucus Vesiculosus Q: Fucus is a tissue- remedy of great power, the rapidity of digestion.
  • Phytolacca Decandra Q: Hardness of glands, warts. Glandular swelling.
  • Conium Maculatum 30x: Swelling of the glands, with tingling and stitches, painful inflammation of the skin.


25-30 Drops with 1/4th cup water 3-4 times daily for 3-6 months.

REPL Dr. Advice No 70 (Noduless) (30ml)

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