Dr. Advice No. 85 (Paralin-S) Composition (Ingredients):
- Kali Phosphoricum 6x
- Causticum 30x
- Gelsemium Sempervirens 30x
- Lathyrus Sativus 6x
- Thallium Metelicum 6x
- Curare 30x
The gradually appearing weakness and trembling of muscles of deglutition, of tongue, eyelids, face, cannot walk, paralysis of any part Loss of sensation.
Mode of Action:
Kali Phosphoricum 6x: Twitching of muscles of arms and fingers, Numbness and No feeling in finger-tips.
Causticum 30x: Twitching of tongue, Difficulty in swallowing, from paralysis of the organs of deglutition.
Gelsemium Sempervirens 30x: Weakness and affections, muscles weakness does not obey the will, Trembling and weakness of whole muscular system.
Lathyrus Sativus 6x: They misplaced the feet, Bringing them too close to median line, and sometimes crossing it, Causing legs to tangle up.
Thallium Metelicum 6x: Trembling and more or less complete weakness and trembling of lower extremities.
Curare 30x: Legs tremble and give way in walking. Complete numbness and weakness of deltoid.
10-15 Drops with 1/4th cup water 4-5 times daily.