
Blood Purifier

Other Indications

  • Helps in Reducing pimples, acne, psoriasis, scabies, pustules, urticaria.
  • Burning before and after urination.
  • A safe blood purifier against seasonal infections of the cutaneous tissues.

Action of Composition used

  • Sarsaparilla Q:  Eruptions following hot weather, boils, eczema, Herpetic eruptions; ulcers. Rash from exposure to open air; dry, itching; comes on in spring; becomes crusty. Summer cutaneous affections. Dribbling urine with pain at the end of urination.
  • Sulphur 2x: Pimply eruption, pustules, rhagades, hang-nails. Excoriation, especially in folds, Dry, scaly, unhealthy; every little injury suppurates. Burning in urethra during micturition.
  • Phytolacca Q: Papular and pustular lesions. Most useful in early stages of cutaneous diseases. Disposition to boils, warts and moles.
  • Echinacea Ang Q: Irritations from insect bites and poisonous plants. Recurring boils. It strengthens resistance power and internal antiseptic with the influence on lymphatic system.
  • Azad. Ind Q:  Much itching of body, burning and prickling, Useful in acne, blackheads. Useful as an antispetic, antiacne and even for abdominal diseases. It detoxifies the body and act as a blood purifier.
  • Gentiana L Q: Useful in stomach related complaints. Helps to improve the appetite.
  • Tinospora Q: It helps to boost the immunity of the body.
  • Veronia A Q: Used in complaints of difficult urination, In complaints of stomach,to expel worms.
  • S. Chirata Q: Its an excellent blood purifier, helpful in scanty urination. Effective in all types of skin diseases. Used as an anti helminthic to expel worms. Cleanser of the body.


Adults: 1 teaspoonful 2-3 times a day

Children: Half teaspoonful 1-2 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

Wheezal Sarsa Syrup (120ml)

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