Wheezal WL-38 Thyroid Balance Drops
It helps to maintain the normal functioning of Thyroid gland.
Stimulates and Supports Thyroid.
- Calc. carb
- Baryta. carb
- Fucus Ves
- Iodium
- Spongia
Action Of Individual Ingredients
Calc.carb: Increase of fat in the abdomen. The patient is fat, flabby, fair colored and perspires easily, Thyroid dysfunction. Sweating on palms and soles.
Baryta carb: Affects glandular structures, and useful in general degenerative changes,
Fucus Ves: Helps in weight management due to thyroid problems. Protrusion of eyeballs. Thyroid enlargement.
Iodium: Rapid emaciation not withstanding a good appetite. Great debility. Slightest exertion produces perspiration.
Spongia: Inflammation and glandular enlargement, especially of thyroid. Swelling becomes hard, Indurated.
10 to 15 drops in little water before every meal four times a day or as described by the physician.