About Hepar Sulphuris Pentarknan

Effectively heals acne / purulent skin conditions and promotes healthy skin

  • Lowers formation of pus
  • Tones up physiological process to promote healthy skin
  • Helps in healing abscess

Composition of Hepar Sulphuris Pentarknan

Each tablet of 250 mg contains:

Apis mellifica 6x 25 mg: Swellings after bites; sore, sensitive. Stinging. Carbuncles, with burning, stinging pain, Knee swollen, shiny, sensitive, sore, with stinging pain. Feet swollen and stiff. 

Hepar sulphur 3x 25 mg: Burning itching in the body, with white vesicles after scratching is treated well.

Calcarea hypophosphorosa 2x 25 mg: Multiple abscesses over the body, or in and around the joints are well treated by this medicine.

Echinacea angustifolia 1x 25 mg: Useful in Crushing injuries. Snake bites and bites and stings generally. 

Silicea 3x 25 mg: Recurrent boils that do not heal early and recurrent. Keloid skin growth.

Lactose Q.S.

Direction of use of Hepar Sulphuris Pentarknan

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, 1-2 tablets thrice daily. In acute conditions two tablets every hour for three days. Children should be given one tablet thrice daily, in acute condition one tablet every hour for three days. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.

Side effects: No side effects of Hepar Sulphuris Pentarkan  [WSI] are known.

Contra-indications: No contra-indications for the use of Hepar Sulphuris Pentarkan  [WSI] are known.

Interactions: No interactions between Hepar Sulphuris Pentarkan [WSI] and other products are known.

Willmar Schwabe India Hepar Sulphuris Pentarkan (20g)

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