18000 19500

Indication of Allen A24 Migrane & Neuralgia Drops 

A24 Migraine and Neuralgia Drops is indicated for migraine, nervous headaches, continuous headaches and neuralgia of the head.

Composition of Allen A24 Migrane & Neuralgia Drops 

  • Gelsemium Semp. Q
  • Sangunaria Can. Q
  • Spigelia 3x
  • Iris Versicolor 3x
  • Cimicifuga 3x
  • Belladonna 3x in aqua destillata

Dosage of Allen A24 Migrane & Neuralgia Drops 

  • Take 10-15 drops in half-cup of water, 3 times a day.

Mode of Action:

  • Gelsemium Empervirens: Neuralgias of various parts with loss of control and pains which are most deep seated. Sore bruised feeling all over especially the limbs. Headache beginning in occiput or neck, radiating to forehead.
  • Sanguinaria Canadensis: Headache during menopause or gastric headaches. Periodical sick headache. Pain begins in the occiput, spreads upwards and settles over the right eye.
  • Spigelia: Neuralgias (piercing, sharp). Excruciating headache, generally above or through the left eye or orbit.
  • Iris Versicolor: Right sided. Burning pains from right to left, burning all over. Sick headache after relaxing from mental strain. Frontal headache with nausea and vomiting. Diarrhoea with headache.
  • Cimicifuga Racemosa: Neuritis, neuralgias. Pains are - violent, shooting, aching. Head -Shooting, throbbing pains from over study, mental worry, or reflex of uterine disease.
  • Belladona: Neuralgic pains that come and go suddenly. Pains - Throbbing, sharp, cutting, shooting, and clawing, of maddening severity, coming or going in repeated attacks, running downwards.
Allen A24 Migrane & Neuralgia Drops (30ml)
18000 19500

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