18000 19500

Indication of Allen A91  

A91 Drops is effective against fibroids present with abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pressure, bleeding problems, compression of the ureter leading to renal compromise and hard mass in the lower abdomen accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms, such as constipation.

Composition of Allen A91  :

  • Hydrastis Canadensis Q
  • Secale Cornutum 3x
  • Lapis Albus 3x
  • Conium Maculatum 3x
  • Iodium 3x
  • Calcarea Iodate 3x
  • Silicea 3x
  • Calcare Arsenicosa 3x
  • Acidum Aceticum 3x
  • Lachesis6x in aqua destillata


  • Take 50 drops in half-cup of water, 4 times for 4 days. After 4 days, take 30 Drops, 3 times a day.
Allen A91 Uterine Fibroids Drops (30ml)
18000 19500

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