Bakson Hair Aid Drops (Twin Pack) (60ml)
Rs. 215.00
The internal medication checks dandruff, premature greying of hair and split ends. The external preparation conditions scalp and hair & also nourishes hair roots. It is inevitable for natural growth of healthy hair.
Internal Preparation:
Acidum phos. 6x: Hair gray early in life; falls out, Hair thins out,
Lycopodium 3x: Premature baldness and gray hair.
Jaborandi 2x: It is used as a remedy for baldness, and it forms the principal ingredient in hair-restorers. Light hair turns black.
Natrum mur 3x: Affects hair follicles. Alopecia.
External Preparation:
Cinchona off. Ø, Arnica Montana Ø, Jaborandi Ø, Cantharis Ø.