About Medisynth Arnikesh Scalp Treatment (50ml)

Arnikesh Oil is a very effective hair oil concentrate prepared on vegetable base oil with the therapeutic effect of nourishing, revitalizing and conditioning the hair and scalp.Arnikesh prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth. It has properties that not only restore and revitalize the hair but promote blood circulation in the scalp, stimulating it and prevents further damage of the hair.Use Arnikesh Homeopathic Scalp Treatment oil from Medisynth to prevent hair fall, burning eyes, insomnia etc. Arnikesh is a concentrate of herbal extracts in vegetable oil base. A Quality product from Dr. VcNally’s range,this scalp treatment product is pure and natural without any artificial coloring or perfume. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which help to prevent septic infections, inflamed conditions and skin allergies.

Regular usage of Arnikesh Oil is beneficial in cases of insomnia, burning eyes, headache/migraine, over exposure to the sun and scalp infections. It helps for dry hair from over-usage of strong shampoos and cosmetic products and adds volume to the hair making it lustrous and shiny.

Product Description

Packaging : It comes in a plastic bottle with a plastic silver cap and a green cap.

Texture :  Smooth but has a little thick consistency.

Fragrance : No particular smell.

Color : Colorless.

The properties of Arinca combats infection to prevent and cure dandruff and hairfall. Cantharis stimulates the scalp and the hair follicles.It helps in  inducing sleep, relieve brainfag and also relieves effect of overexposure to the sun.

How To Use

Arnikesh should be mixed with an equal quantity of coconut or any other vegetable oil. Arnikesh is packed with enough freeboard for this purpose. Fill up to the shoulder of the bottle with the preferred vegetable oil and shake well before use. The oil should be rubbed into the scalp with the finger tips. Leave overnight for best results. Use a very mild soap or shampoo for washing the hair. 


Medisynth Arnikesh Scalp Treatment Oil Contains:

Arnica montana


Lavandula Angustifolia


Equal proportion in vegetable oil base Q.s. Total medication 0.25%.


  • No gurantee for prevention of hair fall
  • No particular smell
Medisynth Arnikesh Scalp Treatment (100ml)

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