Haslab DROX 7 (Diabet Drops - Diabetes)

Indication of Haslab DROX 7 (Diabet Drops - Diabetes)

Malignant Growths of Stomach, Oesophagus, Breast and Uterus

Action of Ingredients used in Haslab DROX 7 (Diabet Drops - Diabetes)

Syzygium Jamb 1x

Pancreatinum 3x

Uranium Nit 3x

Gymnema Syl 2x

Acid Phos 2x

Directions of use of Haslab DROX 7 (Diabet Drops - Diabetes)

10 t 15 drops in water before meals regularly to maintain the blood sugar

Haslab DROX 7 (Diabet Drops - Diabetes) (30ml)

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