Rs. 90.00

Packing Size : 30ml

Indications of Jhactions Spondy Care :

  • Spondylitis – particularly Cervical Spondylitis.
  • Pain, numbness, stiffness & stretching sensation in the nape of the neck & back radiating to arms, fingers & lions.
  • Neuragia (pain along the nerves).
  • Cramps, jerking, twitching and shortening of muscles.
  • Pain between the shoulders.
  • Vertigo & headache.
  • Pressure over sacrum, spinal concussion and pain in coccyx radiating up the spine.
  • It Relives all trouble related to spondylitis.

Composition of Spondy Care. 

Each 5 Ml Contains 
Colocynthis 2 X 1.0 Ml.
Acidum Phosphoricum 3 X 0.95 Ml
Arnica Montana 3 X 0.50 Ml
Hypericum Peforatum 2 X 0.75 Ml
Cocculus Indicus 2 X 0.40 Ml
Colchicum Autumnale 1 X 0.60 Ml
Calendula Officinalis 1 X 0.80 Ml

Dosage : 

Adults : 15-20 Drops in 1/2 Cup of warm water 3 to 4 times a day.

Children : Half the adult dose or as prescribed by the physician.

Rs. 90.00

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