Rs. 100.00

New Life Eczederm Drops

Indications of New Life Eczederm Drops

  • Dry and weeping eczema with irritation and itching of the skin.
  • It helps to increase reactivity of skin

Composition of New Life Eczederm Drops

Graphites 12x

Berberis Aqui 6x

Borax 12x

Chrysarobinum 12x

Gunpowder 12x

Vinca Minor 6x

Viola Od 6x

Direction of use of New Life Eczederm Drops

Adult: 20 to 30 drops 3 to 4 times a day with luke warm water or as directed by the physician.

Children: 15ml- 20 drops 3-4 times a day with little water or as directed by the physician.

New Life Eczederm Drops (30ml)
Rs. 100.00

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