Rs. 95.00

Rs. 95.00.

SBL Bio Combination 2 

BC 2- Breathlessness

Composition of SBL Bio Combination 2 

  • Magnesia phosphoricum -3x
  • Natrum sulphuricum -3x
  • Natrum muriaticum -3x
  • Kalium phosphoricum -3x

Indications of SBL Bio Combination 2 

  • Breathlessness/breathing difficulty with yellow sputum, worse in the evening, accompanied by cough or troublesome flatulence. 
  • Dyspnoea aggravated by food or exertion.
  • Breathlessness with troublesome flatulence or spasms. 

Action of Biochemic medicine in SBL Bio Combination 2 

Magnesia phosphoricum -3x: Spasmodic cough, with difficulty in lying down

Natrum sulphuricum- 3x: Wheezing, breathlessness that is aggravated in humid climate

Natrum Muriaticum- 3x: Cough, with bursting pain in head. Shortness of breath, especially on going upstairs

Kalium phosphoricum- 3x: Spasmodic complaints of lungs without mucus.

Dosage of SBL Bio Combination 2 

Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day.

Children : 1 to 2 tablets 4 times a day.

SBL Bio Combination 2 (25g)
Rs. 95.00

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