Similia Liver Drops (15 ml)
Rs. 40.00
Liver Disorder, Indigestion, Jaundice, weak appetite, flatulence chronic constipation gall bladder stone, colic, It removes the multiple stones in the gall bladder and produce healthy bile and also organic and functional complaints of liver and gall bladder |
Each 5ml Contains Equal Ratio: Hydrastis can Q, kalmegh 1x, quassia Q, cheliedonium 1x, carica pap Q, carduus M Q, myrica cer 1x, Collinsonia C Q, alcohool con. 65%v/v, all ingridients as per H.P.I |
Children: 5-8 drops with water 3 to 4 hourly Adult : 6-10 drops with water 3 to 4 hourly |