How to use Paneer Phool – Paneer Doda (English)
- Soak 10 – 15 pods of Paneer Phool – Paneer Doda in a glass of water overnight.
- Squeeze them to release their extract into the water.
- Filter it through a sieve and drink it on an empty stomach the following day.
- Take care if you are on prescription medicine.
- Test your blood sugar regularly and adjust your medication as required.
- Since you get results immediately, your blood sugar may fall.
कैसे करें पनीर के फूल का इस्तेमाल (Hindi)
- पनीर के फूल का इस्तेमाल बहुत आसान है।
- इसके लिए पनीर के 10-15 फूलों (डोडा) को रात में किसी कांच के ग्लास में पानी भरकर भिगो दें।
- ध्यान दें कांच के ग्लास या किसी अन्य बर्तन का ही इस्तेमाल करें।
- रात भर इन फूलों को पानी में भीगने दें।
- सुबह उठने के बाद पनीर के फूलों को छलनी की मदद से छान लें और इसके पानी को बासी मुंह खाली पेट पिएं।
- ध्यान रखें कि पनीर डोडा का पानी पीने के बाद 1 घंटे तक आपको कुछ भी खाना-पीना नहीं है।
- 1 घंटे बाद ही आप ब्रेकफास्ट करें।
Paneer Doda Health Benefits
1. Paneer Phool – Paneer Doda for Diabetes.
- It is considered to be a miracle herb in Ayurveda.
- It regulates insulin levels and heals beta cells of the pancreas for better insulin use.
- The regular use of this plant helps manage type 2 diabetes very effectively.
2. For Asthma.
- For respiratory disorders, its very effective.
- If regularly consumed improves asthma symptoms and prevents sudden asthma attacks.
3. Paneer Dodi purifies the blood.
- its regarded as a natural blood purifier.
- Balances Vata in the body.
- Herbs contain antioxidants that purify the blood.
- Additionally, it helps in repairing damaged cells and fighting harmful free radicals.
4. For healing wounds.
- The healing properties of Paneer Fruit are excellent.
- You can apply its paste to external wounds to speed healing.
5. For menstrual disorders.
- Women with menstrual disorders may benefit significantly from it.
- It is used to treat irregular menstruation painful menstruation and purifies the uterus.
6. For Low Urinary Output.
- Its stimulates the production of urine.
- Diuretic properties of the juice of this plant help relieve painful urination and difficulty passing urine.
- It can treat diabetes, menstrual problems, and low urine output.
- However, few people are aware of the fantastic health benefits of this plant.
- It is high time we used this plant to its full potential and appreciated it.
Other Names: Paneer Ke Phool , Paneer Dodi, paneer ke phool, paneer ka phool
Paneer Dodi Nutrition Facts –

Our Motto :
Genuine, pure, clean, sorted, and natural products.
We provide original forms of herbs.
The products are cleaned without harmful chemicals.
Safe Packaging :
Corrugated Box.
Storage Directions:
Please keep it cool and dry for natural taste and freshness.
Avoid direct sunlight & Do not refrigerate.
Keep the contents airtight after opening the package.