Dr. Advice No. 64 (Multi Purpose Drops) Composition (Ingredients):
- Anacardium Orientale 30x
- Acidum Picricum 6x
- Baryta Carbonica 30x
- Aethusa Cynapium 30x
- Silicea 30x
- Thuja 30x
Imperfect assimilation and consequent defective nutrition. It Increase susceptibility to nervous stimuli and exaggerated reflexes. A confidence, in himself, Confusion.
Mode of Action:
Anacardium Orientale 30x: Any emotion which causes a pair as if the plag were sticking. Brain fag, Mental weakness.
Acidum Picricum 6x: Disinclination for mental or physical work, aversion to talking with headache. Vertigo.
Baryta Carbonica 30x: Affections of Heart, memory defective. Tension and shortening of muscles. Tonsils.
Aethusa Cynapium 30x: Great anxiety and restlessness, followed by violent pain.
Silicea 30x: Moroseness, ill humour, and despair, with intense weariness of life - wishes to down herself.
Thuja 30x: Acts on skin, blood, gastrointestinal track, kidneys, and brain. Emotional sensitiveness.
5-10 Drops with 1/4th cup water 4 times daily till improvement. In chronic condition, every half hour.