Similia Bio Hom 19 (25 gm)
For Rheumatism, Gout Paroxysm, Periosteum and Arthritis |
Ferrum Phosphoricum 3X 50 mg H.P.I., Kali Sulphuricum 3X 50 mg H.P.I., Magnesia Phosphoricum 3X 50 mg H.P.I., Natrum Sulphuricum 3X 50 mg H.P.I., Guaiacum 3X 0.2 ml H.P.I., Colchicum 3X 0.2 ml H.P.I., Rhus toxicodendron 3X 0.2 ml H.P.I., Excipients (Saccharum Lactis) Q.s to 1 tablet of 225 mg H.P.I. |
2 to 4 Tablet Thrice Daily |