Adel Pekana Adel 12 (Dercut) (20ml)
Regular price: Rs. 310.00, Sale!: Rs. 295.00.
ADEL 12 (DERCUT) drops are indicated for a wide variety of skin diseases including acne, psoriasis, eczema, herpes, herpes zoster, itching dermatitis, impetigo, carbuncles and furuncles. As a rule, skin disorders result from an internal systemic intoxification that over whelms the different organs' excretion abilities. ADEL 12 support the body's inadequate defense mechanisms and excretion processes to stimulate healing.
For example, pubescent acne is partially caused by the body's inability to metabolize and helps remove toxins via the intestines and urological tract. In addition, leaky-gut syndrome results from an intestinal tract insufficiency that enables undigested food particles or bacteria to enter the bloodstream, causing systemic intoxification that burdens the liver, kidneys, skin and other excretory organs. As a result, using a combination of ADEL 12 (DERCUT drops) and other ADEL medications to relieve the intestines and excretory organs is imperative.
For general skin diseases, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, pimples (acne vulgaris) rash at puberty boils herps, insect bite, including interigo and urticaria.
Hydrocotyle 6X, Mezereum 4X, Fumaria officinalis 4X, Cistus Canadensis 4X, Ledum palustre 12X, Ranunculus bulbosus 4X, Sarsaparilla 4X, Viola tricolor 8X.
Hydrocotyle helpful in dry, circular, scaly psoriasis. This substance also effective in all pathogenic skin problems.
Mezereum plays an important therapeutic role in relieving severe skin diseases, such as Ulcus cruris and herpes zoster. In addition to r local skin conditions, this plant also addresses itching and neurological symptoms.
Since any chronic skin disorder represents the body's attempt to excrete toxins via the skin, Fumaria officinalis is essential to help stimulate the metabolism's return to full capacity. This powerful plant also regulates and normalizes gallbladder secretion and stimulates intestinal function. It has proven effective for excreting toxins and metabolic waste products, thereby cleaning the blood and skin.
Cistus canadensis is helpful in a variety of symptoms that includes itching, the feeling of "ants running over the skin," scrophalitic skin disorders, herpetiform rash and chronic rashes indicative of an impaired lymphatic system.
Ledum palustre aids the excretion of toxins via the urological tract. It has proven highly effective in resolving skin infections, pimples, furuncles and itching dermatitis. In addition, it is effective in insect stings and a burdened lymphatic system.
Ranunculus bulbosus is effective against blisters, itching eczema, stabbing pains and burning common to herpes zoster-type skin illnesses. Its anti-infectious properties help destroy the spores of disease-causing pathogens, including fungi.
Sarsaparilla complements this remedy's other plant components to helpful in chronic skin disorders such as crusta lactea, eczema and psoriasis with accompanying itching, pus and open sores. In addition, it acts as a diuretic to stimulate excretion via the kidneys.
Viola tricolor is helpful in hard to heal afflictions of the skin such as eczema and impetigo that cover the entire body. In addition, it stimulates general detoxification and the excretion ability of the kidneys.
RECOMMENDED DOSAGE (Unless otherwise prescribed)
Adults - 15-20 drops, Children - 7-10 drops, 3 times a day in 1/4 Cup of water.