18000 19500

Indication of Allen A55 Stomach Pain Drops 

A55 Stomach Pain Drops is indicated for attacks of epigastric pain with tenderness over gall bladder, mild gastric pain, steady and paroxysmal colicky pain, stomach cramps and abdominal pain.

Composition of Allen A55 Stomach Pain Drops 

  • Atropinum 3x
  • Carbo Vegetablis 3x
  • Chamomilla Q
  • Chelidonium Majus 3x
  • Lycopodium Clavatum 3x
  • Scophularia Nodosa 3x
  • Nux Vomica 3x
  • Anacardium Orientale 3x
  • Arsenic Album 3x
  • Argentum Nitricum 3x in aqua destillata

Dosage of Allen A55 Stomach Pain Drops 

  • Take 8 - 10 drops in half-cup of water, 3 times a day before meals.

Mode of Action:

  • Atropinum: Pain as if clutched by a hand, worse, jar, pressure.
  • Carbo Vegetabilis: Flatulence and fullness with weak digestion, accompanies all complaints. Simplest food disagrees. Flatulence upper abdomen.
  • Chamomilla: Flatulent colic; after anger with red cheeks and hot perspiration. Cutting wind.
  • Chelidonium Majus: Constant pain under the lower and inner angle of the right scapula.
  • Lycopodium Clavatum: Pain shooting across lower abdomen from right to left. Flatulence much noisy.
  • Scrophularia Nodosa: Colic below the navel.
  • Nux Vomica: Pressure on stomach, an hour after eating.
  • Anacardium Occidentale: Empty sensation in stomach, and is relieved by eating.
  • Arsenicum Album: Burning pains, affected parts burn like fire, pains maddening, even felt during sleep, cause shortness of breath.
  • Argentum Nitricum: Flatulence, painful swelling of pit of stomach. Abdominal colic with much flatulent distention.
Allen Skin Rashes A54 Drop (30 ml)
18000 19500

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