
Osteofit is indicated for osteoporosis (decreased bone strength increases the risk of a broken bone), lowered bone mineral density leading to aches, pains and fractures - fracture of the hip, spine and wrists. Constant pain in neck or lower back in women post menopause and debility.


  • Calcarea Carbonica 3x
  • Calcarea Fluorica 3x
  • Calcarea Phophorica 3x
  • Silicea 3x
  • Phosphorus 3x
  • Symphytum 3x in lactose base


  • Take 2 tablets before meal, 3 times a day.

Mode of Action:

  • Calcarea Carbonica: Caries of vertebrae. Rheumatism on account of defective bone growths.
  • Calcarea Fluorica: Necrosis of bones. Exostosis and arthritic nodosities. Hip-joint disease.
  • Calcarea Phosphorica: It is a remedy for weak bones which are easily breakable. They do not serve the purpose of supporting parts. It creates new bone marrow.
  • Silicea: Complaints due to defective assimilation. It recovers necrosis of bones.
  • Phosphorous: Periosteum painful and swollen, ulcers affecting bones. Recovers necrosis and caries of lower jaw, vertebra and tibia.
  • Symphytum Officinale: Arthralgia especially of the knee. Backache from excessive sexual indulgence, caries of vertebrae.For injuries to bones, cartilages; periosteum; with excessive pain.Deficient callus formation.
Allen Osteofit Tablets (25g)

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