Nervocalm Drops

Indications of Nervocalm Drops

  • Tension.
  • Depression.
  • Insomnia and various disturbances of sleep.
  • Drowsiness in the morning.
  • Weariness during the day and vivacity in the evening.
  • Nervousness, restlessness and over excitement of the nervous system.
  • Neurasthenia, consequence of mental conflicts of long duration.
  • Nervous Breakdown.

Composition of Nervocalm Drops:

Avena Sat 1x:  Has a selective action on brain and nervous system, favorably influencing their nutritive function. 

Coffea 3x: Wakes with a start, sleep disturbed by dreams. Sleepless, on account mental activity; flow of ideas, with nervous excitability. Disturbed by itching of anus. 

Ignatia 3x: Headache as if a nail were driven out through the side. Cramp-like pain over root of nose. Congestive headaches following anger or grief; worse, smoking or smelling tobacco, inclines head forward.  

Zincum Met 3x: During sleep, body jerks, wakes frightened, stared. Loud screaming out at night in sleep without being aware of it.  

Valeriana 3x: Sleepless, with nightly itching and muscular spasms. Worse on waking. Pressure in forehead. Feeling of intoxication. 

Dosage/Directions for use of Nervocalm Drops:

10 to 20 drops twice daily.

Haslab Nervocalm Drops (30ml)

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