Similia Gold Tablet (10 gm)


GOLD TABLETS is a therapeutic medicine packed with the natural strength of Ginseng, to rejuvenate heart, brain, nerves, muscles, sexual organs, semen, hair-root and the general physiology. Its regular use cures nervous palpitation and cardiac dyspnea. It also cures impotency. Has Compensative effect after masturbation and wastage of semen. Produces natural and healthy semen. Action on azoospermea. Promotes memory capacity, convalescence. It stops hair loss, makes hair healthy and lustrous. In case of hair problem combine with use of  VITALITY OF HAIR.


Each Tablet Contains: Ginseng Q 0.625 ml, Lecithin Q 0.625 ml,  Tribulus T. Q 0.625ml, Nat. Mur. 3x 0.5 g, All Ingredients as per H.P.I.


Children 2 tablets twice daily . Adults 4 tablets twice daily.
Similia Gold Tablet (10 gm)

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