Rs. 170.00

Rs. 170.00.

Similia Relaxer (450 ml)


RELAXER is a sure remedy for acute and chronic cough, common cold, bronchitis, whooping cough, respiratory catarrah, influenza and allergic cough.


Each  5 ml Contains Squilla Q 0.15 ml, Justicia Adhatoda Q 0.35 ml, Ocimum Sanctum 6 0.05 ml, Trifolium Pratense Q 0.15 ml, Mentholum Q 0.10 ml, Belladonna 6 0.05 ml, Ammon Carbonicum 2x 0.15 ml, Aconite Napellus 2X 0.05 ml, Natrum Muriticum 30 0.05 ml, Coffea Cruda 30 0.05 ml, Excipients  Q.s, Color Caramel, Alcohol Cont. 12% V/V


One spoonful 2 to 3 hourly
Similia Relaxer (450 ml)
Rs. 170.00

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