About Tonsiotren
For acute and chronic inflammation of the tonsils and of the accessory sinuses of the nose.
- Relieves Pain
- Relieves local swelling
- Indicated for the difficulty in swallowing
Composition of Tonsiotren
1 tablet of 250 mg contains
Hepar sulph. 3x 10.0 mg
Kali. bichr. 4x 50.0 mg
Silicea 2x 5.0 mg
Mere. iod. rub. 8x 25.0 mg
Excipients Q.S
Dosage/Direction for use of Tonsiotren
- 1 to 2 tablets three times a day, to be dissolved in the mouth.
- In acute cases every other hour.
Action of composition used in Tonsiotren
Hepar sulphuris: Indicated in sore throat, scraping and shooting pain in the throat.
Kalium bichromicum: Indicated for chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis.
Mercurius biniodatus: Covers follicular tonsilitis & painful swallowing. Stiffness of muscles of the throat and neck are relieved.
Silicea: Covers sore throat & severe tonsillitis. Stimulates the healing process in general.