Willmar Schwabe India Crataegus Pentarkan (20g)
About Crateagus Pentarkan
For heart problems in old people
- Improves the circulation and takes care of cardiac weakness
- Indicated in chronic cardiac weakness with dyspnea and exhaustion on least exertion
- Tones up the heart and normalizes its functions
- Helps regulate the pulse, lowers the problem of cold extremities with oedema
- Indicated in tachycardia due to slightest motion and in irregular palpitations especially after sudden stress
Composition of Crateagus Pentarkan
Each tablet of 250 mg contains:
Arnica montana 2x 25 mg: Pulse feeble and irregular. Stitching pain in heart area.
Crataegus oxyacantha 1 x 100 mg: Acts on muscle of heart. Cold extremities, pallor; irregular pulse and breathing. Blueness of fingers and toes; all aggravated by exertion or excitement.
Convallaria majalis 1 x 25 mg: Palpitation from the least exertion. Tobacco heart, especially when due to cigarettes. Irregular and Rapid pulse.
Coffea cruda 1 x 25 mg: Violent irregular palpitation especially after excessive joy or surprise.
Prunus spinosa 1 x 25 mg: Hard beating of the heart, Burning sensation in chest region.
Excipients Q. S. to make 250 mg
Direction of use of Crateagus Pentarkan
Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, Crataegus Pentarkan (WSI) should be taken as follows:
- 1 tablet should be taken 3 times a day.
Side effects: No side effects of Crataegus Pentarkan (WSI) are known.
Contra-indications: This product is not indicated for children.
Interactions: No interactions between Crataegus Pentarkan (WSI) and other products are known.